
Love Music Much...

gue setuju bgt kalau ada yang bilang "hidup tanpa musik bagai sayur tanpa garam"
dari jaman gue SD sampe sekarang, gue punya kebiasaan bawa radio pas mandi
sampai ga terhitung lagi jumlah radio pocket yang jadi korban karena nyemplung aer hehehe...

gue paling suka denger lagu western taun 90'an
semacam Spice girl, all saint, celine dion, kavana, 98', Moffatts,
bravo all star, 911, all 4 one, etc.... klo sekarang denger lagu mereka...
wuihhh langsung inget jaman SD SMP dulu hehehe...

klo ngomong soal musik.. sebenernya ga cuma denger aja, tapi nyanyi plus main musik suka..

pertama jatuh cinta ama alat musik DRUM, sampe di bela-belain ikut kursus, trus merengek bokap minta beliin drum..

gue pikir keren aja klo cewek main drum, ga usah ngapalin not balok hehehe...
tapi lama-lama kepikiran juga.. nah gue kapan tampil sama TP2 nya klo pas manggung gue cuma ngendon di belakang personil band lainnya sambil nge gebuk drum!!!

walhasil... gue coba-coba untuk jadi vokalis.. walaupun suara gue pas-pas'an..

eeehhh keterusan dech nyanyi.. serunya lagi klo nyanyi kan bisa dapat job sendirian, jadi honornya buat gue sendiri ga perlu di bagi2 personil band yang lain hehehe....

akhirnya DRUM gue nganggur di rumah.. kira-kira ada yang mau beli ga (full set DRUM merk PRINCE, beli gress taun 2000)

gue juga punya pengalaman seru pas coba-coba ikut Indonesian Idol 2008,

sbenernya sich gue males ngantri dan udah pesimis duluan.. tapi pas Ind. Idol 2008 gelar audisi di malang, dan pas Radio tempat gue siaran dulu (Andalus FM) jadi radio partnernya, gue iseng-iseng ikut...

gue inget banget itu pas hari minggu tgl 3 february 2008, gue ikut antri panjang bgt..
di UMM Dome.. mana panas lagi... tapi gue sempet pose di foto (insert foto atas , gue yang mana hayoo????)
nach... pas giliran gue masuk di ruangan tempat audisi... di depan juri.. (jantung gue udah ga karuan dag dig dug)

eeeeeeee...... ternyata jurinya tentor bina vokalia yang gue kenal...
trus dia bilang.. "nach.. loe kan penyiarnya Andalus, radio partner, loe ga boleh ikutan kaleee... kan karyawan radio partner ga boleh ikut!!!"

hiks... ternyata penantian gue dan smangat gue untuk panas2 ngantri... sia-sia begitu aja hiks....
tapi seru aja buat pengalaman...

hmmm... yang jelas sampe sekarang gue masih hoby nyanyi (walau cuma di kamar mandi hehehe)
sekarang udah ga ada job nyanyi lg.. :-(
tapi yang jelas.. gue masih cinta bgt sama musik..




Siapa orang yang selalu ada saat seneng maupun susah???
buat gue jawaban nya cuma satu.. ORTU (bokap sama nyokap)

pacar.. sahabat.. memang kadang ada saat gue butuh mereka,
tapi gue rasa di saat yang paling urgent, cuma bokap-nyokap gue aja yang selalu dukung gue!!

mulai dari gue kecil kupret di gangguin ama temen SD nyokap yang maju, gue sekolah sama tetek bengek nya nyokap yang ngurus, gue oprasi dan beberapa kali masuk rumah sakit ortu yang kalang kabut, gue putus dari pacar, nyokap yang suport, gue jadi perantauan ortu yang tiap hari tlp tanya kabar n' ingetin biar ga lupa makan, etc..

kadang klo gue lagi ngelamun sendiri..
hmmmm.. betapa besar jasa ORTU gue, priceless..
ga bisa di ganti sama apapun..

walau kadang gue sebel karena jadi anak tunggal yang serba di atur,
tapi gue tau semua buat kebaikan gue..
kadang gue takut bgt kecewain mereka,
hmmm.. klo aja mereka tau gmn gue 'sebener'nya
im sorry mam..pap..

yang jelas semenjak gue jauh dr ORTU, ga ada lagi tempat senyaman selain rumah gue.
apalagi klo pas ngumpul semua di rumah.. hang out bareng.. wha.. meneyenangkan..
homey bgt, nyaman bgt!!!

thank's mam n' pap,
don't know how can i live without them!!
love u mams love u paps...


" .......this all began with a mouse......"

" .......this all began with a mouse......"

Walau Tikus terdengar sangat menjijikan, tapi kalau tikus yang satu ini bikin gue jatuh cinta..Cintaaaa... bgt sama Mickey Mouse, im Freak of him!! dulu kamar gue penuh sama pernak-pernik MickeyMouse..bed cover, selimut, bantal, boneka, poster, karpet, keset, handuk,baju, sampai perhiasan (liontin, anting, cincin) semua motif Mickey Mouse.. lutchu bgt!!! sampe sekarang pun gue masih tergila-gila sama Mickey Mouse..

his story...

MICKEY MOUSE, Walt Disney's most famous character, made his screen debut on November 18, 1928, as star of the first sound cartoon, Steamboat Willie. Since his debut, Mickey Mouse has become an international personality whose success laid the financial foundation upon which Walt Disney built his creative organization. Besides being the personification of everything Disney, Mickey Mouse has become one of the most universal symbols of the Twentieth Century.

Mickey Mouse was born in Walt Disney's imagination early in 1928 on a train ride from New York to Los Angeles. Walt was returning with his wife from a business meeting at which his cartoon creation, Oswald the Rabbit, had been wrestled from him by his financial backers. Only 26 at the time and with an active cartoon studio in Hollywood, Walt had gone east to arrange for a new contract and more money to improve the quality of his Oswald pictures. The moneymen declined, and since the character was copyrighted under their name, they took control of it.

" . . . So I was all alone and had nothing," Walt recalled later. " Mrs. Disney and I were coming back from New York on the train and I had to have something I could tell them. I've lost Oswald so, I had this mouse in the back of my head because a mouse is sort of a sympathetic character in spite of the fact that everybody's frightened of a mouse including myself" Walt spent the return train ride conjuring up a little mouse in red velvet pants and named him " Mortimer," but by the time the train screeched into the terminal station in Los Angeles, the new dream mouse had been rechristened. Walt's wife, Lillian, thought the name " Mortimer" was too pompous and suggested " Mickey."

A star was born! Upon returning to his studio, Walt and his head animator, Ub Iwerks, immediately began work on the first Mickey Mouse cartoon, Plane Crazy. The enthusiasm with which his small staff completed the project faded when no distributor wanted to buy the film. Refusing to give in, Walt forged into production on another silent Mickey Mouse cartoon, Gallopin'Gaucho. However, late in 1927, Warner Brothers ushered in the talkies with The Jazz Singer, staffing Al Jolson. This soon signaled the end of silent films so, in 1928, Walt dropped everything to begin a third Mickey Mouse cartoon, this one in sound: Steamboat Willie. To record the sound track, Walt had to take his film to New York, since no one on the West Coast was equipped to do it. Walt sank everything he had into the film. When finally completed, Walt screened it for the New York exhibitors. The manager at the Colony Theatre liked the eager young producer and decided to take a chance on his film. Steamboat Willie scored an overwhelming success, and Walt soon became the talk of the nation. Buoyed by the artistic and popular success of Steamboat Willie, Disney added sound to the first two cartoons and was able to offer exhibitors a package of three shorts. As with all of Mickey Mouse's pictures through World War II, Walt himself supplied the voice. Then in 1946, when Walt became too busy to continue, Jim Macdonald, veteran Disney sound and vocal effects man, tookover. ( Jim Macdonald continued to provide the voice of Mickey Mouse for nearly thirty years, until he retired in 1974. Following his retirement, Wayne Allwine was selected to perform the voice of Mickey Mouse. Wayne has provided Mickey Mouse's vocal characterizations in his most recent screen appearances ). Mickey Mouse's skyrocket to fame didn't take long.

His cartoons became so popular that people would first ask ticket takers if they were " running a Mickey" before they would purchase admission. Soon, theaters were displaying posters that read " Mickey Mouse playing today!" It was not uncommon for patrons to sit through a feature twice to see him again. The thirties was Mickey Mouse's golden age 87 cartoon shorts starring the multi-talented mouse were produced by Walt Disney during that decade. He played everything from fireman to giant killer, cowboy to inventor, detective to plumber. Technically and artistically Mickey Mouse cartoons were far superior to other contemporary cartoons and gave life to an entire family of animated characters: Minnie Mouse, Clarabelle Cow, Horace Horsecollar, Goofy, Pluto, Donald Duck, Peg-Leg Pete, and many others. The artistic success of the animators was honored in 1932 when an Oscar was presented to Walt Disney for the creation of Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse's popularity spawned a Mickey Mouse Club in 1929 which met every Saturday for an afternoon of cartoons and games in local theaters. The several million Mouse Clubbers had a secret handshake, special member greeting, code of behavior, and even a special club song, " Minnie's Yoo Hoo" . The peak of Mickey Mouse's golden decade was his starring role as the Sorcerer's Apprentice in the feature Fantasia (1940), a major artistic innovation. It interpreted music in colors, shapes, movement, and story.

The animation techniques were years ahead of their time and have never been matched. Fantasia also introduced stereophonic sound to theaters, an element not employed by other studios until more than a decade later. With the advent of World War II, the Disney Studio suspended nearly all commercial activity and concentrated on aiding the war effort with training films, goodwill tours, and designing of posters and armed forces insignia. Mickey Mouse played his part by appearing on insignia and posters urging national security and the purchase of war bonds. And, incredibly, the password of the Allied forces on D-Day, June 6,1944, was " Mickey Mouse." Following the war, Mickey Mouse returned to making cartoons and appeared in his second feature, Fun and Fancv Free (1947), in which he co-starred with Goofy and Donald Duck in a new version of " Jack and the Beanstalk," titled appropriately " Mickey and the Beanstalk." Through the forties and early fifties, Mickey Mouse made fewer cartoons, giving ground to Donald Duck, Goofy, and Pluto, who were more flexible as characters. Mickey Mouse's evolution into a Disney symbol made it increasingly more difficult to create story situations for him. If he lost his temper or did anything sneaky, fans would write in insisting that Mickey Mouse just wouldn't do that. After the success of the Disneyland television show in 1954, Disney agreed the next year to create an afternoon program for ABC. He gave them The Mickey Mouse Club, which became the most successful children's show ever. In 1977, The New Mickey Mouse Club, featuring 12 new Mouseketeers, debuted on television, and a third generation of Mouseketeers hit the airwaves in 1989 when The Mickey Mouse Club debuted as a series on The Disney Channel with shows airing on weekday afternoons. Mickey Mouse moved to Disneyland in 1955 to become chief host of the theme park, welcoming millions of visitors annually, shaking hands, posing for pictures, and leading the big parades on national holidays. In 1971, he helped open the Walt Disney World Resort in 1983 he donned a kimono for the dedication of Tokyo Disneyland and in 1992, he sported a beret for the opening of what is now called Disneyland Paris. His other activities include public appearance tours around the world for The Walt Disney Company. Mickey Mouse has been saluted at three of the Disney theme parks by having " lands" created in his honor. Mickey's Birthdayland (now Mickey's Starland) opened on November 18, 1988, in the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World to honor Mickey Mouse on his 60th birthday.

Mickey's Toontown opened in 1993 in Disneyland, then in 1996 at Tokyo Disneyland and now serves as home to Mickey Mouse and all of his cartoon friends. After all these years, the cultists are beginning to understand why the Mickey Mouse of the thirties was so popular. He was a little guy born out of the depression who satirized people's foibles and taught them to laugh. Most importantly, he was a character who dreamed big, and his dreams were universal. One of the finest tributes to Mickey Mouse was given by Walt Disney himself when, on his first television show as he surveyed Disneyland, Walt said, " I hope we never lose sight of one fact... that this was all started by a Mouse." This article is ©The Walt Disney Company, and the full text appears on Disney's Site at http://disney.go.com/inside/mickey75/about_mickey.html


BEING New Comer is SUCK's!!!!

Pernah jadi "Pendatang Baru" ???
apalagi urusan kerjaan..
arrrgggghhhh... really-really Suck's!!

gue udah kerja di 3 tempat yang berbeda,
pertama di Radio,
seingat gue waktu dulu awal-awal gue on air siaran,
gue dikasih jatah ber-jam-jam ngoceh, libur seminggu cuma sekali.
padahal penyiar senior yang lain cuma siaran 2 jam sehari plus libur 2 kali seminggu!!
ga ADIL!!!
tapi setelah beberapa tahun jadi penyiar (lumayan senior), gue bisa booking jadwal siaran semau gue hahaha..(balas dendam critanya)

Kedua, pas jadi Tentor di Duta Suara,
murid-murid gue sepertinya memandang remeh gue
karena usia gue jauh lebih muda dari tentor lainnya,
udah gitu kalau tentor lain pas ada keperluan, gue jadi tumbal disuruh ganti jadwal hiks..

Ketiga, pas jadi CS Galery Indosat..
ini yang paling SUCK's!!!!
Kerjaan gue sering numpuk..
udah gitu, semua customer di arahin ke gue, padahal gue masih banyak kerjaan,
jam kerjanya kacau bgt, dari jam setengah 8 sampe setengah 5.
itupun kalau sepi..
udah gitu gue sering CS sendirian dan banyak customer yang complain berat!!!
Wha pengalaman unik bgt, coz ternyata jadi CS itu sering makan Ati!!
tiap hari kena Complain orang, pengen rasanya nonjok dia hehehe..
mana setiap orang pada individualis lagi,
sekarang gue baru sadar, dimana-mana CS itu bener2 harus tahan banting!!
di complain orang tiap hari (padahal bukan salah CS) pokoknya bener2 jadi 'tameng' perusahaan.
capee deee...

gue jadi kangen sama temen-temen gue di radio..
rasanya jauhhhh bgt bedanya, dulu di radio bener2 akur,
solidaritas tinggi, dan rukun..
sekarang di perusahaan gedhe malah banyak yang saling tonjok belakang!!

tapi satu hal yang baru gue sadar..
ternyata dari ketiga kerjaan gue ada satu persamaan..
semuanya berhubungan sama TOWER hahahaha..
di radio butuh Tower untuk pemancar, di Duta Suara juga ada Tower walaupun amatir, dan di Indosat.. wha.. TOWERnya di mana-mana..
heran.. bisa-bisa kena efek radiasinya hehehe..
next.. di kerjaan gue selanjutnya ada TOWER apa lagi ya hehehe..


You've Got A Friend?!

"You just call out my name

And you know wherever I am

I'll come runnin'

to see you again

Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call

And I'll be there You've got a friend"

Hmmm... kalau denger lagu "You've Got A Friend" ini berasa ademmm benerrr..

kalau ngomongin masalah "teman" gue punya banyak pengalaman berteman, mulai yang nyakitin sampai tiba-tiba lost contact! that's why gue sekarang ga gampang percaya sama temen, dari sekian banyak temen gue, yang awet cuma beberapa,

Yoke, tetangga gue temen main gue sejak masih kutu kumpret!! eehhh.. ternyata kakak sepupunya sekarang jadi pacar gue!

dulu kita sering main boneka, rumah2an, bahkan sering jadi 'Spice Girl' wannabe saking ngefansnya kita sama Spice Girl (ada lagi 3 temen gue yang melengkapi anggota Spice Girl wannabe, cuma sekarang udah pada jadi 'ibu-ibu')

Sekarang masih tetanggaan, kadang masih suka jalan bareng ke Mall trus sharing plus ngrumpi khas cewek, she's so calm, bawaanya kalem tenang, kalau sekarang sich karena udah pada gedhe jadi obrolan kita pun mulai dewasa hehehe.. apalagi dia punya kasus yang sama kaya gue (having relationship with different religion) hmm...hidup-hidup.. :-)

Satu lagi temen deket gue CHIA, Makasarist temen kampus gue, temen gila-gila-an gue.. gue bisa match sama dia karena kita 11-12(almoust same!!) sama-sama gila, sama-sama suka cobain hal-hal baru dan visi misi kita hampir sama (kaya' sekolah aja pake visi misi)

bahkan my 'dirty litle secret' cuma dia yang tau.. hmm..tapi sayang sekarang kiata jarang bgt ketemu karena sama-sama sibuk, dia kerja di hotel Tugu, dan worktime nya kerja rodi bgt, sedangkan gue di pasuruan hiks..

tapi untuk my really deep dirty litle secret there's no one knows!! gue ga pernah bisa percaya sama orang lain kecuali DIARY gue (Fido) yang selalu jadi sampah curhatan gue.

gue suka berteman, dan gue pengen punya teman sebanyak mungkin...

Ps. Dua Foto itu gue sama Chia, yang satu foto gue sama Yoke..


Oprah Winfrey

She's an Angel!!!
salut bgt buat OpRah..

setiap gue nonton 'the Oprah Winfrey show' ada aja yang bisa bikin gue meneteskan air mata (melow bgt yach!)
bisa aja bikin tema yang touching!!

that's why, she's bcome one of d' insprng person for me!

her story :

Oprah Gail Winfrey (born January 29, 1954), often referred to simply as Oprah, is an American television host, media mogul, and philanthropist.

Her internationally-syndicated talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, has earned her multiple Emmy Awards and is the highest-rated talk show in the history of television.

She is also an influential book critic, an Academy Award-nominated actress, and a magazine publisher.

Born in rural Mississippi to a poor unwed teenaged mother, and later raised in an inner city Milwaukee neighborhood, Winfrey was raped at the age of nine, and at fourteen, gave birth to a son who died in infancy. Sent to live with the man she calls her father, a barber in Tennessee, Winfrey landed a job in radio while still in high school and began co-anchoring the local evening news at the age of 19

$275 million (2008)Net worth
over US$2.5 billion ▲(Sept. 2007)

trully inspiring!!
it's just like fairytale!!